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Jennifer Brine

Technical Product Management

Mechanical Engineer


My journey from engineering to entrepreneurship has given me the agility and resilience needed to push boundaries and drive innovation, ultimately leading to the success of products. With a solid technical foundation, coupled with a proven track record of getting work done efficiently, I am strong at leading cross-functional teams towards a common goal. My ability to make clear, concise decisions and prioritize complex tasks enables me to navigate the intricate landscape of product development, ensuring that we deliver high-quality solutions to market in a timely manner with the customers needs at the top of our mind..

Selected Work Highlights


User Persona Sample and Writing Sample
Healthcare & Aging

This work was created through aneufit. Each work sample was created using a different software which includes Adobe Suites - In Design, Illustrator, Photoshop, Canva, or Docs.

Hardware Product Management
Wearable Technology

Listen to the video below to learn more about my experience with a hardware product.

Industrial Product Management
Environmental Protection


I took a 310-page written manual and consolidated it into a user-friendly process and proposal document. Our customers were better able to understand the product line. This is a single-page sample below.


Jennifer Brine



University of Vermont, Burlington, VT

Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering

Minor in Mathematics

Selected Work Experience

aneufit - Co-Founder -Boston, MA

aneufit is pioneering the space between fitness and physical therapy for adults 50 and older. 

  • Orchestrated collaborations with prestigious universities such as Brown and Harvard to develop primary service offerings, culminating in a strong presentation that significantly strengthened our pitch success at Aneufit, showcasing my influential leadership.

  • Analyzed 30+ markets, competition, and user requirements to develop new product initiatives and present the brand message.

  • Developed a multi-year growth plan to increase the value and investment potential of aneufit while streamlining goals and operations.

  • Created a system for financial analysis through management of the company’s financial resources and developed balance sheets, income statements, and cash flow statements to grow revenue targets.

  • Developed an operational framework for employees utilizing AgileOps, including staff supervision/training, recruitment and value creation.

figur8 - Product Manager -Boston, MA (spin-off from Circular2 below)

figur8 is a wearable technology company that develops clothing designed to track and digitize 3D motion

  • Generated product requirements for a minimum viable product (MVP); the product was used to secure a 4.8 million dollar investment and is the consumer-facing product for the company today.

  • Managed the early-stage data analysis roadmap to develop and validate its use in biomechanics. Worked closely with the Director of Sports Medicine at Mass General Hospital (MGH) to validate findings and collaborate on strategy. The company gained Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval through this process, and MGH joined our team.

  • Developed case studies and user stories while formulating key relationships to launch our product with limited financial resources.

  • Managed project timelines and cross-functional team coordination for a team of 22 people to develop an AI-backed software platform.

Circular2 - Project Manager (Consulting) -Boston, MA

Engineering consulting firm focused on wearable devices. Worked predominantly with Google’s ATAP teams.

  • Managed client portfolios and special projects to communicate internal capabilities and timelines. 

  • Collaborated with specialized contractors and drove the prototype assembly and shipment under tight deadlines. Pioneered wearables and smart fabric technology.

  • Provided mechanical support on electrical engineering projects. Spearheaded the efforts on a one-of-a-kind handheld device using a multi-material printer.

  • Developed efficient skills to assemble quick turnaround high-stakes prototypes.

alogus Innovation & Design - Product Designer - Boston, MA

A design and hardware engineering firm that specializes in product development and design for manufacturing

  • Completed full, ground-up product design in various fields using multiple manufacturing techniques.

  • Gained knowledge in 3D printing capabilities to rapidly produce products for test fitting and client meetings.

  • Produced final injection molding designs that resulted in understanding more advanced aesthetic techniques that fit our client’s needs.

Industrial Services Inc - Product Manager -St. George - Vermont

Water treatment engineering and consulting services.

  • Developed product support materials for the current line of desalination equipment by gathering client feedback on current materials and by turning high-level technical information into easier-to-understand visual specifications. 

  • Oversaw a network of distributors and initiated new sales protocols and best practices.

  • Supported customer service and new technology inquiries. Managed current client portfolios when the CEO was traveling, which included supporting and selling new technologies and managing on-site visits. Sold the first U.S.- based system to the town of Hinesburg, VT.

  • Worked in the assembly of desalination systems from start to finish. Assembly included frame welding, adding membranes, connecting PVC piping, gauges, wiring, and packaging for shipment.

Hardesty and Hanover- Level 2 Bridge Engineer -New York, New York

Full-service infrastructure engineering firm 

  • Performed advanced engineering analysis for the design of mechanical systems in movable bridges and retractable roofs using 2D and 3D CAD. 

  • Acted as a liaison for implementing 3D design into the company to communicate complex layouts and client needs better.

  • Coordinated the scope of work and prepared necessary data for on-site inspections, working closely with outside contractors. Performed on-site inspections in physically demanding and dangerous environments.

  • Designed operating machinery and components for movable bridges and retractable roofs. Designed a successful span lock system for the heaviest bascule leaf in the world.


  • Building Product Roadmaps

  • Business Operations Management

  • Engineering Problem Solving

  • Google Tag Manager

  • Digital Marketing

  • Data Analysis

  • Stakeholder Alignment

  • Google Analytics

  • Leading Cross-Functional Teams

  • Persuasive and Clear Communication

  • Writing Technical Specifications

  • Adobe Suites

Applicable Interests

Ice Climbing.heic
  • Risk Management: These sports train my ability to stay calm when dealing with tough decisions and high risk.

  • Heavy Logistical Planning: Climbing requires me to continue to sharpen my communication and complex planning skills.

  • Facing Fear: Learning to embrace feelings and work with them instead of against them.

  • Social Outlet: I have a strong community which gives me a good balance and outlet to stay whole and healthy.

Adventure Sports


Personal Development

  • Implemented personalized emotional growth strategies, to cultivate self-awareness and enhance emotional intelligence, contributing to strengthened interpersonal dynamics and collaborative effectiveness within the workplace.

  • Data Driven: I excel in identifying patterns, synthesizing information, and uncovering innovative solutions for growth.

  • Communication prowess: Effectively navigating challenging situations with empathy, active listening, and clear, concise expression, resulting in strengthened team cohesion and successful resolution of conflicts.

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